Dear Readers...I have not gone off in search for the rarest food item known to mankind and disappeared in the process...I have not been asked to host a new show on the food network thus leaving me no time to blog...I have not been whisked away on a romantic journey with a celebrity nearly as exciting has happened...I am currently in between homes...R and I moved out from our condo but don't have a new one yet and so we're living at my sister's place in the meantime...this has been a bit hectic and to top it off my cousin Aurelia from France has been visiting and so we've been showing her know how these things mean try to muster up some energy to blog...but it just doesn't happen...other things take up your time and energy and before you know it days have gone past in a blur...
I am sorry to have left you hanging...and I don't have anything to put up on here relating to food...but I do want to introduce you to my current adorable sister's 3 cats:

The beautiful Souk...this photo does not do her any justice...she's gorgeous and has such a soft coat...

And the sweet playful Tigger (who has an obsession with feet!) and good looking Mika (who comes running from a mile away the minute he smells what I'm cooking)...
Aren't they just the cutest?
As long as you're having fun being busy it's not a bad thing. I love the way the cats look so different - are their personalities as varied as their coats?
Good luck with moving! It's never fun during but lots of fun once you unpack everything and settle in :)
Hehehe, cute cats! I know the feeling of being busy... and the stress and time associated with moving!
Hope all the nightmare will be over soon! aNd u'll be havin a open house rite??? ;p
Phew! Glad to know you are ok...But wow, it MUST be pretty hectic! Best of luck!
and tee hee! DOn't tell the dog-lovers...but cats are WAY superior! :-)
Arwen - Their personalities are just as varied :) Souk is the brave one who is very cool...Mika looks like a tough guy but he's really a scaredy cat...and Tigger is the sweet natured innocent one...
Lorraine - Thanks! That is true I'm looking fwd to finally being settled!
Anita - just hasn't stopped! I still have a few more weeks before I'm well and truly settled!
TheNomadGourmand - hehe of course! Once everything is in it's place :)
Sophia - hehe...I do love dogs and cats...but yes something abt cats just makes them superior ;)
OMG!!! I now know the kitties personally and they are the most beautiful(after my two -kekeke!) and softest kitties ever!!
What do they eat btw cos my cats fur is not quite as soft....
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