Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's not's me...

My Dearest Garlic,

I know I haven't been very fair to you lately and that things have been kind of rough. You've spent many nights at home alone waiting for me to return and yet I've been neglecting you with excuses of work and such. I really have tried to put some effort into our relationship...but without a kitchen to call my own I really can't give you the attention you desire.

I still love you but I can't be there for you like I once was and it hurts me...but I'm sure it hurts you even more...

We've had some good times though... I can still remember the first time I met you as you sat upon that bed of potatoes...It was love at first sight...and no one can deny that! There was also that time I roasted a 40 clove garlic chicken...or the time when I added you to parmesan mashed potatoes...or even the time I minced you up raw...added a dash of soy sauce and enjoyed you with rice and sambal...good times...good times...

Which is why you should have more than I can currently give you...they do say if you love someone set them free...if they return you know they were yours to begin Garlic, I'm setting you free...I hope one day we can meet again and rekindle our love...once I have my own beautiful kitchen and I can give you what you deserve...I'll make an honest man out of day I promise...

But for now I think it's best we go our separate ways...I'll miss you...



**Read here about how Garlic and I first fell in love

Also, if you'd like to join my group on facebook click here


Big Boys Oven said...

Oh I can do with it. lol!

suryasta said...

man i remember this one because i couldnt read the article i got so scared hahahahha