BloggerAid - Bloggers Uniting to Aid in the Alleviation of Hunger
This wonderful site was started by Ivy of Kopiaste, Giz of Equal Opportunity Kitchen and Val of More Than Burnt Toast to give back to those around the world who suffer from hunger.
These amazing women launched an exciting project for Bloggeraid - A Cookbook filled with recipes from bloggers around the world. With the help of Gloria Chadwick from Cookbook Cuisine , a member of Bloggeraid, they will be publishing a cookbook with 100% of the profit from sales being directed to specific programs of The World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations frontline agency.
Find out more information here on how you can also submit a recipe for the cookbook. Who knows? You might just become famous...and if all else fails...you supported a good cause!
I know exactly what I'm going to submit...My dessert sushi! I initially told you that I would post the recipe at a later date...but after I found BloggerAid I decided to submit it to the cookbook instead...so look out for the recipe there! If it makes it in that is ;-)

Wow, that is such a great idea. And the proceeds go to such a great cause, I'm going to check it out now!
Hallie - It certainly is! Hope you're able to join it as well :)
Thanks Alexandra for submitting a recipe for the Cookbook. Shall be looking forward to reading it in the cookbook.
Thank you so much for contributing to the BloggerAid cookbook Alexandra. I will watch for your submission and Word document. It does sound delicious!!
Just a friendly reminder to send your Word document and photo of your dish to bloggeraid(AT)gmail(DOT)com...the deadline is February 12th!!!!!I am sure you would like to see your dish in the cookbook!!!!Hugs, Val
Thanks for the reminder Val! Time is just whizzing past...I'll go work on it right now so I don't forget and miss the deadline!
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